Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Okay Win Release New Single, "Reaction"

Stream The Okay Win's new track, "Reaction" on Soundcloud

Boston's The Okay Win is back on the scene and excited to share the first track off Nothing’s Not Moving, the anticipated follow up to the 2012 EP, Leveled, scheduled to be released early this spring.

“Reaction” continues the band’s emotional, indie rock sound into the New Year. Follow The Okay Win on Facebook for additional release details and show dates.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Keep the Boston Compass Alive

For $2 a month, you can help keep the Boston Compass alive.

The relatively viral and low cost nature of the internets may have snuffed out the Zine Era, but in true Boston underdog fashion, independent music newspaper, The Boston Compass (a monthly newspaper navigating you to underground, above ground and all around awesome happenings in the Greater Boston area), continues to supply the masses with local music news and events. However, tied to a shoestring budget, the Compass needs your help.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Boston's Whiskey Soaked Honky Tonkers, Civil Warblers

Yee haw.

Leave your studded denim jacket at the door, As Built PR presents the whiskey soaked honky tonk of Civil Warblers at O’Brien’s Pub on Thursday, February 6th along with Old Soul (ME), Vundabar and Derek Teichert.

From the depths of the hipster-saturated streets of Boston comes the Americana twang of Civil Warblers, a folk punk country quartet that has as much internet obscurity as a cowboy hat in Allston.

Mosey on over to Bandcamp for a free download of their 2011 Songbirds of Northern Aggression record and then pull up a stool at OBs for a taste of something different. You need a little rockabilly every now and then. *Note. Drinking whiskey not mandatory but highly suggested. Doors at 8PM, 21+, $7.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

We Love Us Some Record Release Shows!

You want some records with that shake?

Boston bands are bestowing onto the town a whole mess of new records this month. Like a debutant’s Bar Mitzvah covered in cheap beer, there’s a rock and roll coming out party almost every week.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Vermont's July 26 Movement turns you inside out with their experiment noise rock via the 9 minute and fifteen second track "Who Becomes A Terrorist And Why" off of their 2013 S/T EP (State & Main Records). You can grab the 5-song record on Bandcamp for free at a 'name your price' download.

Play Bandcamp Roulette.

Monday, February 3, 2014

M.G. Lederman Has a Story to Tell With 'I'm Ghosts'

M.G. Lederman's I'm Ghosts record release show happens February 19 at TT the Bear's.

Driven by penetrating piano chords and gruff vocals, M.G. Lederman’s I’m Ghosts (Midriff Records) is a composition of confessions and memories, injected with wry humor, resulting in a seemingly hopeless narrative by way of Tom Waits fashion.

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