Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The 30 Day Challenge

You know what I don’t do? New Year’s resolutions. I set myself up for failure enough in one day, I don’t need to voluntarily recognize all the things I should accomplish / change / be better at in one year and then make false promises to myself that said improvements will happen in a timely manner. I resolve to not eat this entire bag of trail mix. Fail, every time. Guaranteed disappointment.
I made one resolution a few years ago that I just carry over each January 1st. Say yes more. It’s so easy to become a reclusive hermit, but if you pound that Red Bull and get out in the world, you’ll be more interesting, meet cool people and realize that you want ticker tape falling from the sky wherever you go.

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Bishop And Rook Year End Stats

'Never Fail Chocolate Chip Cookies' recipe was the top blog post of 2012 and 'Gym Motivation' was, BY FAR, the most popular search term. You confused and contradicting individuals, I love you.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

Yay New Year's Eve! Raise your hand if you had a perfectly sexified outfit for the big night and then went out and bought a whole new one just because you cannot have enough sequin right now? True story, all year long. Here's the final verdict (for now).

Thursday, December 20, 2012

How to Throw An End of the World Party

It’s time to party like it’s December 21st, 2012! Whether it’s happening or not, I’ve already started putting things off with the notion that the end of the world may set me back a few days. Procrastinators gonna procrastinate. So let’s do this up undergrad-style and make a party out of nothing!

Monday, December 17, 2012

DIY Christmas Nip Tree

Watch out Martha, I've got the ultimate Yankee Swap gift!

I made this last year for a friend who was taking a winter cruise and had a master plan of sneaking some nips on board. I surround myself with rebels. Very simple with a mega wow factor. Has anyone else noticed all my DIY's include nips?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Fashion on Instagram

My fashion tab is lacking! I rock it, you just can't see it. Probably because I'm too busy yelling about old ladies. Follow Bishop And Rook on Instagram for fashion clips. I promise I'll get back on that train shortly.

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