
Monday, February 17, 2014

Birhday Bash Thank You!

The prettiest O'Brien's Pub has ever looked (image credit)

A blizzard couldn't stop this show! Despite rapid snowfall, the kids came out to O'Brien's Pub in Allston for Bishop And Rook's Flirty Thirty Birthday Bash with Shambles, Rebuilder, Laureate (Montreal) and Save Ends. Click through to the bands' Bandcamp pages to stream and download music.

From Saves the Day covers to drinking all of the Coors Light, we had a great time.

Earlier this week, we went on the air at WBMR's Pipeline! and not only talked about how awesome the Boston music scene is, but also how tremendous the Boston music support scene is. And Bishop And Rook is proud to be part of it. Here is a list of music websites, blogs, podcasts and radio stations that took an interests in this specific show, and are in existence to promote the sounds from the streets of the New England area. Musicians and music promoters are highly encouraged to hit these guys up with new music, record releases and shows. Working together, we can really give the local scene the voice it deserves.

Thanks again for a wonderful show and reading Bishop And Rook!

Special thanks to the following Boston music scene promoters.

Shambles (image credit)

Rebuilder (image credit)

Laureate (image credit)

Save Ends (image credit)

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