
Monday, October 15, 2012

Social Faux Pas

I was on a social faux pa roll this weekend. Between staring blankly at acquaintances I ran into at the pumpkin patch (sorry guys), to introducing myself to someone I've met several times before, I pretty much win the spaz award.

All I'm saying is, introducing yourself to someone you’ve already met, multiple times, is just as awkward as asking a chubby person when they’re due.

Last night, I introduced myself to a girl I’ve met several times before and am Facebook friends with. 
In my defense, the last time I saw her was probably a year ago, and I thought I overheard her being introduced as someone other than herself. I deducted I didn’t know her, but she should know me, and took it upon myself to make an introduction. I was in an overly friendly mood.
My very confident, "I don't think we've met but this is who I am" speech was met with a whole bunch of awkwardness and a dead fish handshake (ohhhhh my god I hate dead fish handshakes). As soon as she gave me the yeah we’ve met face, I realized my bad. So I tried to rebound with, “Or maybe we met before…?", which totally took acting because I certainly knew the last time I saw her. Why I couldn't just admit my mess up is beyond me. Then she informed me her hair was a different color at the time. “Yep! That’s it! How are you?” (Save...?)

Thankfully she seemed high as a kite and didn’t care. We moved on to more important things like how Etsy is no longer allowed to sell human bones and that it's difficult to find your cell phone in an oversize purse. Relevant Sunday night discussions at during a punk rock show at PA's Lounge in Somerville.

But really, if you run into me and my thought process is so painfully obvious you may see me mouth the words "where do I know her from", sorry, my mind is full of schedules and mental pictures of kittens, it'll take a minute but I am so very happy to see you!


  1. Ha! I had a very well-to-do snobby older lady congratulate me on my pregnancy where worked. I smiled, look her straight in the face and said "actually I've just lost 20 lbs." Which was totally true. I just carry all my weight in my belly (thanks PCOS) and slouch pretty bad, but I still thoroughly enjoyed seeing the look of horror pass over her face as she realized her mistake.

    1. I can't even believe someone would ask that! Kudos on losing 20 pounds as well =)

  2. I have done that many times and usually right after the words leave my mouth I realize that I have met them before but it's too late.

  3. I was in my friend's car picking up a friend of his one night. She hopped in the car and started talking like she knew me. I was confused for a sec so decided to say "Hi, I'm Sarah" and she turns around from the front seat and says "We've met before...twice". I was mortified. I chalk it up to having a terrible memory for names...and faces apparently..

    1. Ya totally. I want to tell them, it's not that you didn't make a memorable first impression, I'm just a space case.
