
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Boston Bloggers August Event

It might just be the beer talking, but Boston Bloggers scene...I think I might have a crush on you.

As I had mentioned in my "Yeah It's Supposed to Look Like That" post, I was invited to my very first Boston Bloggers Meet and Greet on Monday at The Mass Ave Tavern. An acceptable 25 minutes of fashionable lateness, an Austin Powers parallel parking job (I admit, I accepted that challenge), and a whirlwind gust of subway air to blow my hair in my face as I walked into a sauna of a I am!

What's your blog? What's it about? What's your major, oops, sorry, wrong social scene. How long have you been blogging? 

Being in marketing and sales, I'm comfortable networking, but it's a completely different feeling when you're promoting yourself. When I started Bishop and Rook, I wanted to create one place where everything I liked could be found. Essentially a virtual shoebox...from an expensive department store...that I got on sale! (while drinking wine).

Needless to say, I had a wonderful time meeting some great Boston Bloggers. Here are few of the blogs I'm currently following. Find more at

Prim and Propah - "Prim and Propah is my little corner of the world where I will discuss very serious topics like bacon, DIY, amazingness, fashion design, animal prints, outfits, sewing, kittens, shopping, vintage kittens, shoes, shoes, beauty stuff, pudding and oh so much more."

Some sarcasm and wit with a little DIY and a whole lot of fashion. I have to say thank you one more time to my good friend Amanda from Prim and Propah for introducing me to Boston Bloggers. 

Ginntastic - "Twenty-something living and working in Boston. I love french fries, pop culture, music and city living."

While creeping on the Boston Bloggers Meet and Greet guest list, I found Ginny's blog, Ginntastic. Her distain for Nickleback and sarcastic tone were enough for me to think we should be friends. Her Jenna Marbles reference and the fact she is hilarious confirmed this.

Wicked Cheap in Boston - "A place to find out about all the best free and cheap food, events, deals, etc in the Boston area. My name is Molly! I have trouble looking normal in pictures!"

The mere fact that upon meeting Molly, she informed me that the very venue we were at, offered half priced apps (at the bar weekdays before 7p) had me convinced that this pretty lady did indeed know what was wicked cheap in Boston.

Yellow Bird, Yellow Beard - An artsy blog with crafts, photography, some beard and a little bird.

An adorbs wife and husband team, Janee and her man are an artsy couple who were a pleasure to talk to. Along with some great photography and crafty tutorials, Janee has her own Etsy store that I may be slightly hooked on at the moment.

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